Growing The Community cont ... |
Richings Park today ... ![]() Thorney Park Lake |
bank Barclays originally intended. It is 45ft. frontage to Bathurst Walk and 70ft. return on Wellesley Avenue and brass studs in the brick paving define the precise boundary. Townswomen's GuildThe Guild in this country and overseas had their roots in the Kensington Ladies Discussion Group formed by radical thinkings women in 1865. When the Universal Franchise was granted in 1928, the Suffragist Party (not the militant suffragettes) felt that there was a need for an organisation for women living in towns and cities which would help them manage their new-found freedom. The Richings Park Townswomen's Guild was one of the first Guilds to be established in the country and the oldest in the Bucks, Berks and Oxford Federation, now the Chiltern and Castle Federation. There are about 90,000 members in 2000 autonomous Guilds divided into 115 Federations. This is our 70th year which will be |
marked by a Federation with the National chairman presiding. Guilds are mandated by an annual National Council meeting, usually held at the Albert Hall, where campaigns on issues of national and international importance are discussed and the conclusions are brought to the attention of the Government. Membership is open to everyone regardless of politics, religion, race or circumstances. All activities are covered - sport in all its forms, drama, recreational activities, including craft classes, plus keep fit and painting classes. Richings Park has taken full part in these activities with diverse classes under Bucks County Council and the British Drama League. The latter provided a Cup for the Federation Drama section inaugurated by a Richings Park Chairman who was also Federation Drama Chairman - Maidenhead Town hall was booked for a week and a half (including rehearsals) for the 15 Guilds competing for the Cup, which was |
won by Richings Park on many occasions. There is a speaker at each meeting, two Guild lunches each year, a Christmas Party. Visits to Stately homes twice a year, and Sales tables at each meeting for Guild funds etc. ![]() Lavington Wellesley Ave In the early days, four coachloads of 'poor ladies' from the East End of London were entertained for a day and Members' gardens were on display - despite all the weeding that entailed. There were also visits to interesting places - providing a tea was included - we got sick at Cadburys, eating the samples, we |
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